
4 Week Training Update...

Training session Tuesday 17th April 2018 - Concentrating on watts output as instructed by Mike Gilbert of Langstone Adventure Rowers.

Thursday 19th April 2018 session - Difficult to reach avg 134 watts today but achieved it for the last 15 minutes.

Training for Monday 23rd April 2018 - Hard session on the rowing machine today followed by core work.

Friday 27th April 2018 - What a great technical session with coach Emma Gueterbock this morning, Emma is a fantastic coach and a wonderful person who is teaching me loads of great techniques to help me conserve my energies...THANK YOU SO MUCH Emma.

Saturday 28th April  - Today was Langston Adventure Rowing open day where the Epona scull was awaiting Paul Smith for his first try in the water. You may have seen the photos but here is a recap.

This is Monday 30th April 2018 session - Using splits and a 2000 speed trial, I now have to find a Sponsorship of training and the event £5,000 approx, this is not a definite figure, we hope it will be less. If you can help then please get in touch.

Wednesday the 2nd May 2018 - Recovery day and I’m pleased to announce the Oakley Waterman Caravan Foundation are onboard with this fundraiser, all is good!!! Mike Gilbert is in the Scilly Isles but has been sent brackets from the stabiliser company to see if they fit, he will get to work on this when he returns. In the meantime I have to continue my search for sponsors, one for the training and the other for the challenge.

Tuesday 8th May 2018 - Here’s today’s session after a 3 day break from the gym, enjoyed it and then added a weights session afterwards so spent 2 hours training today.

A different week of training due to the bank holiday weekend etc... we are still working hard to find a sponsor/sponsors for training which requires a safety boat at all times and for the challenge itself. If there are any companies or individuals who would like to help us get on the water please get in touch. The good news is that we have people wanting to donate to the challenge, a justgiving page will be setup once we have secured a sponsor/sponsors. Training in the gym is going well, the support we have is amazing. 

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My Very Best Wishes.


Paul A Smith OBE
Charity Fundraiser for sick Children, Teenagers and breast cancer sufferers. 

Tel: 02392 383515

M: 07796595432